Don’t Bottle Up Your Feelings!
Take the First Step and Talk to an Expert Now!

Mind Well Being ExpertDr. Johnsey Thomas founded the Genesis Mental Well Being with the objective of providing unsurpassed, researched and evidence-based psychological services to children, adults and families. The Centre is committed to the community to live, grow and learn to its full potential.

What We Offer

individual counselling 300


Genesis academic


adult counselling


Genesis Corporate and wellbeing



  • Changes in eating habits and/or appetite: over-eating, bingeing, not eating.
  • Doubting without reason or having suspicion.
  • Feeling tired and lacking energy
  • Hearing and seeing things that others don’t.
  • High levels of irritation and frustration- anger
  • Increased anxiety, looking or feeling ‘jumpy’ or agitated, sometimes including panic attacks.
  • Increasing inability to cope with daily problems and activities
  • Self-harming behavior, such as cutting yourself.
  • Sleep problems.
  • Isolating you, socializing less; spending too much time in bed.
  • Losing interest in activities and tasks that were previously enjoyed.
  • Loss of, or increase in, sexual desire
  • Mood swings that are very extreme or fast and out of character for you.
  • Other differences in perception; for example, mistakenly believing that someone is trying to harm you, is laughing at you, or trying to take over your body.
  • Poor performance at work.

Our goal is to bring change in the way our civilization thinks about mental health issues. We would like to bring in the shift from silence to conversations to bringing the justified concern, for mental wellbeing, among the members of the family. It helps, not only courage to speak about it, but will ultimately empower individuals to take a step in the direction of the suitable course of action. Our society is in urgent need of an awakening, for mental well-being and mental health.

Our Clinic implements tools and methodologies based on research from all across the world, to create a protected space for individuals to talk freely and openly about their mental well-being and thereupon guiding them through their hardships, holistically. We aim to rise above our repute as mental health care providers and emerge as a center of evolution within the field of mental health.

To assist individuals to face the challenges of life and discover their innate potential and ignite the hidden spark in them. This will enable them to make their life healthier and to guide them to a more positive self and better quality of life.

God began to show me that for people to be healthier and to live lives that are whole, they need to know their “true” identity. It became very clear that if people are able to see themselves more the way God sees them, and are able to experience the love God has for them, they will be able to give to others and live a healthier life.

Centre Strives to:
Makes a positive difference through empathy and understanding
Be compassionate; respect integrity; maintain honesty and sincerity; always practice kindness

We aspire to be the pioneer in improving health through High -Quality Affordable, Integrated Health Care. We aim to be noteworthy for our strong social purpose and psychologist responsibility for Care and Wellness. We firmly believe that the pursuit for optimal wellness is an active process of making choices toward a more healthy existence. Which Creator has showered on us?

Genesis Telemedicine Service

Online Consultation AVAILABLE

Tele mental health consultations allow you to receive the same level of consultation assessment and therapy that you’d receive with face-to-face consultations over the internet in the convenience of your own home.

We’ve recently introduced telehealth services in the following clinics – psychology, exercise physiology, physiotherapy, speech pathology and dietetics.

If you’d like to experience Tele mental health for yourself, our psychologists and therapists are currently on hand and appointments are available.


At Genesis, we treat individuals as a whole, not problems, and anyone who wishes to speak and learn something about them is eligible for treatment.

  • Academic Problems and Concern- Exam Phobia
  • Addiction
  • Adjustment Reactions to Changes in life
  • Anger
  • Anxiety and Panic, including Obsessional Thoughts
  • Anxiety and Stress
  • Attention Deficit & Hyperactivity Disorder
  • Attention-Concentration Difficulties;
  • Childhood and Adolescent Problems
  • Dementia and Memory Related Disorders
  • Depression & Bipolar Disorders;
  • Depression (Mood Disorders)
  • Family Problems
  • Generalized Anxiety & Panic Attack;
  • Learning problems
  • Mania (mood disorders)
  • Marital Discord / Couple Counseling
  • Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder;
  • Personality disorders
  • Phobias
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder
  • Relationship Difficulties
  • Sleep disorders
  • Stress disorders
  • Suicidal thoughts/feelings
  • Work-life balance
  • Chronic Pain Disorders;
Genesis Services - Professional WellBeing
adult counselling


We offer individual adult therapy for many difficulties and needs, using only evidenced-based best practice therapy such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Interpersonal Therapy, Exposure Therapy and Dialectical Behaviour Therapy.
Life’s events can be quite volatile. In a very short duration, we can move from smooth sailing to complete disaster. For few individuals, managing with the stressors of everyday life can be overwhelming.

Adult issues may surface in those adults who are in their late adolescent and early twenties may consist of complexities with peers, sexual or developmental concerns, school or career challenges, family differences, and so on.

Because the swift and frequent changes often distinguish this period may be overwhelming, young Individuals may find the services of a mental well-being expert or mental health professional to be beneficial as they evolve from adolescence to adulthood.

The adult counselor thus has to deal with the mind of adult patients via talk therapy, medication and supplementary coaching on health, nutrition and physical fitness. The ultimate aim of adult counseling is to convert the troubled adult into a holistic adult.

Psycho-Therapy empowers Individuals to create the meaningful life and quality relationships that they desire. A wide range of evidence-based treatment modalities is used in a warm and supportive environment. A highly personalized approach customized to each client’s needs and preferences is offered.

The adult counseling sessions are not restricted to one-to-one individual interaction though. Couples therapy is also a good way to address marital and relationship problems where both the partners need to understand the problems and work towards solving them together.

There is tremendous value in talking through problems and identifying feelings with a psychotherapist who has the experience, training, and expertise to understand what you are going through and help create a plan to turn your life around.

With the help of psychotherapy, we can foster promote a deeper understanding of prior experiences that influence your world today and how you can conquer those that may be haze how you function.

Take the first step towards balance and contentment in life. Call or email us today to talk about how we can help.


It’s all About a Healthy and Welcoming Environment.

Physical health is often a major consideration for organizations, but what about the mental health of employees? Whether you follow a remote, in-/, or blended arrangement, a robust mental health strategy can help employees be more resilient and fulfilled, and contribute to your company thriving even better.

We provide consultations and training for the following areas:

  • Designing an overall mental health and wellness plan for your company.
  • Practicing a leadership style that’s motivating and empathetic
  • Conducting in-depth team-building exercises to strengthen camaraderie.
  • Arranging mindfulness workshops and one-on-one counseling sessions for employees

  • Reduced absenteeism
  • Reduced employee turnover
  • Reduced presenteeism
  • Increased employee engagement
  • Improved productivity
  • Attract the best talent
  • Increased profitability
  • Brand image

corporate well being
individual counselling


You can choose our Customized treatment programs where your psychologist and therapist will work with you to discover a program that best suit your issues and concern. All ages (child, adolescent, adult) are welcome. No diagnosis or referral is necessary.


Learning disorders are often found to be present when a child also has Autism, ADHD or other behavioral difficulties. The clinic offers a comprehensive assessment process for developmental delay concerns, Dyslexia and dyspraxia.

Child counseling is a type of therapy that focuses on young children and adolescents with one or more mental health issues.

Child counseling aims to help children work through their emotions, so they can live optimal lives without the lasting effects of fear, confusion, anxiety, or trauma.

Children and teens with a specific learning disorder may have difficulty learning and using specific academic skills with impairment in one or more domains, including reading, written expression, and/or mathematics. Further, these skill deficits lead to significant impairment. It is important to note specific learning disabilities are not reflective of overall intelligence or ability, but rather, difficulty learning or using a specific academic skill-set

Parents or school personnel may notice that a child is having difficulty with a particular academic skill or that a child is spending more time than typical in completing assignments.

Research has shown that increasing intervention duration by the number of sessions and providing 1:1 or small group instruction as opposed to large group intervention may be more effective for children with specific learning disabilities.

Mindful Techniques can play a major role during the exam season- Breathing Techniques. Be a Disciple of discipline – Being a disciplined Student is foremost important in a student’s life. Getting optimum SUNLIGHT can do a world of Good to your mind and body. Avoid Multitasking. Listen to Calming music that can help calm you down with snacks or drinks whatever you like.

  • Being Mindful about life
  • Sensitizing sense organs
  • Change is the rule of nature the same with me
  • Accepting Failure is tough but not impossible
  • I believe in success but I can also fail
  • I may not be perfect but working for perfection
  • Confident but need confidence
  • Friends are important but who knows the decision is impeccable
  • Praising others is fine but me
  • I am good at a smile but sometimes
  • Adapting to be Street Smartness
  • Passionate about my career, life, and family
  • In Control but sometimes-loose control
  • I working on Digital Detox
  • Change is rule of nature the same with me
  • I am a Child of God.

As with specific phobias, it is highly probable that the fears inherent to social anxiety disorder can develop through conditioning experiences. For example, a child who is subjected to early unpleasant social experiences (e.g., bullying at school) may develop negative social images of herself that become activated later in anxiety-provoking situations (Hackmann, Clark, & McManus, 2000).

Genesis Child Theraphy
Genesis Child Theraphy


Psychotherapy is a form of psychiatric treatment that involves therapeutic conversations and interactions between a therapist and a child or family.
Types of psychotherapy:

helps a child understand and accept their inner emotions. ACT help children and teens use their deeper understanding of their emotional struggles to initiate in a positive way.

helps improve a child’s moods, anxiety, and behavior by examining confused or distorted patterns of thinking. CBT therapists teach children that thoughts cause feelings and moods which can influence behavior. During CBT, a child learns to identify harmful thought patterns.

is a brief treatment specifically developed and tested for depression, but also used to treat a variety of other clinical conditions. IPT therapists focus on how interpersonal events affect an individual’s emotional state.

gives children and teens support in their lives to cope with stress, identify helpful and unhelpful behaviors, and improve self-esteem.
Psychotherapy is not a quick fix or an easy answer. It is a complex and rich process that, over time, can reduce symptoms, provide insight, and improve a child or adolescent’s functioning and quality of life.
Child and Adolescent Psychologists are trained in different forms of psychotherapy and, if indicated, are able to combine these forms of treatment with medications to help alleviate the child or adolescent’s emotional and/or behavioral problems.


During the first consultation, your psychologist or therapist will offer you information about confidentiality, treatment plan, cost and consent.

Our Psychologist will discuss your need for wanting to attend therapy and then develop goals for treatment.

Your first sessions may last for 1hours and all future sessions will go for 45- 1hour.

Don’t Bottle Up Your Feelings!
Take the First Step and Talk to an Expert Now!